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Get On Your Mat

Roll out your mat and get on!!

In my first teacher training at Laughing Lotus, NYC in 2002, my teacher, Dana Flynn, told us each day we had to unroll our mats and get on for at least 5 minutes. Up until this point I’m pretty sure I had never ever done that and truth be told I didn't really make it a habit until years later.

Oh, but when I did my practice and my teaching took on a new level of authenticity and play.

Now, when I encourage people to do the same I can share how rich this experience has been for me. There are days we don’t want to move or meditate or anything. There will be days like this. But we have the choice. We can choose to unroll that mat or even keep it unrolled somewhere in the home that can act as a soothing, sacred space.

Now... sit on your mat. Or lay down. Do what you instinctively feel you want to do. Hell, light some incense or a candle. Maybe set a timer for 5 minutes so you can just be. See what happens. Maybe you will meditate? Maybe you will take a nap? Maybe you will move…. Share your story to inspire others if you like on my instagram @thehonestyogisam

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